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What Things Were Oracle Bones Used to Predict?


Oracle bones, primarily used during the Shang Dynasty (c. 1600–1046 BCE) in ancient China, are one of the earliest known forms of divination and are crucial to understanding the early history and culture of China. These bones, typically from oxen or turtles, were inscribed with questions and then heated until they cracked. The resulting cracks were interpreted by diviners to provide answers to various questions. This article delves into the multifaceted uses of oracle bones in predicting the future, ranging from weather and agriculture to warfare and royal affairs.

The Origins and Methodology of Oracle Bone Divination

Historical Background

Oracle bone divination, also known as “pyro-astromancy,” was a practice that emerged during the Shang Dynasty. This period is characterized by its advances in bronze casting, writing, and a highly stratified society led by a powerful king. The Shang kings are known to have used oracle bones extensively to make important decisions, reflecting the deep-seated belief in divine intervention and the supernatural.

The Divination Process

The divination process involved several steps:

  1. Selection of Bones: The shoulder blades of oxen and the plastrons (undersides) of turtles were the preferred materials due to their flat surfaces and ease of cracking.
  2. Preparation: The bones were cleaned, polished, and sometimes drilled with small holes to facilitate cracking.
  3. Inscription: Questions were carved onto the bones using a sharp tool. These questions covered a wide range of topics and were often preceded by a preamble that included the date and the diviner’s name.
  4. Heating: The bones were subjected to intense heat, usually by inserting a heated rod into the drilled holes, causing them to crack.
  5. Interpretation: Diviners, often high-ranking priests or the king himself, interpreted the patterns of the cracks to divine answers from the gods or ancestors.

Predicting Agricultural Outcomes

Weather Forecasts

Agriculture was the backbone of Shang society, and predicting weather conditions was crucial for ensuring bountiful harvests. Oracle bones were frequently used to inquire about the upcoming weather, including:

  • Rainfall: Questions about the likelihood of rain on specific days or over extended periods were common. Successful predictions helped in planning planting and harvesting schedules.
  • Droughts and Floods: Concerns about prolonged droughts or devastating floods prompted queries aimed at preparing for these natural disasters.
  • Seasonal Changes: Predicting the arrival of different seasons helped in planning agricultural activities according to the changing climate.

Crop Yields

Questions about crop yields were also prevalent. The Shang kings and their advisors sought divine guidance on:

  • Sowing Times: The best times to plant crops to ensure optimal growth.
  • Pest Infestations: Potential threats from pests and diseases that could damage crops.
  • Harvest Success: Predictions about the success or failure of upcoming harvests, influencing storage and distribution plans.

Military and Warfare Predictions

Battle Outcomes

The Shang Dynasty was marked by frequent warfare, both for territorial expansion and defense. Oracle bones were used to predict the outcomes of battles, providing strategic advantages. Common questions included:

  • Victory or Defeat: Inquiries about the likelihood of winning or losing specific battles or campaigns.
  • Enemy Strength: Assessments of the enemy’s capabilities and strategies.
  • Best Strategies: Guidance on the most favorable tactics and times for launching attacks.

Timing of Military Actions

Timing was crucial in warfare, and oracle bones helped determine the best times to mobilize troops and launch offensives. Diviners sought answers to questions such as:

  • When to Attack: Identifying auspicious days for initiating combat operations.
  • Troop Movements: The optimal times for moving armies to avoid ambushes and ensure logistical support.

Royal and Political Decisions

Succession and Legitimacy

The stability of the Shang Dynasty hinged on the clear succession of kings. Oracle bones played a significant role in confirming the legitimacy of heirs and addressing succession disputes. Typical questions included:

  • Heir Selection: Determining the most suitable successor to the throne.
  • Legitimacy: Validating the divine approval of the current king’s rule and his chosen heir.
  • Dealing with Rivals: Strategies for handling potential rivals and threats to the throne.

Governance and Administration

Kings also used oracle bones to seek divine advice on governance matters, aiming to maintain order and prosperity in their realm. Key areas of concern were:

  • Policy Decisions: The potential outcomes of new policies or reforms.
  • Resource Allocation: Efficient distribution of resources to various parts of the kingdom.
  • Crisis Management: Handling crises such as famines, rebellions, and natural disasters.

Social and Religious Life

Rituals and Sacrifices

Religious rituals and sacrifices were integral to Shang society, believed to appease gods and ancestors. Oracle bones were used to:

  • Select Ritual Dates: Choosing auspicious dates for conducting important rituals and ceremonies.
  • Sacrificial Offerings: Determining the most appropriate offerings to ensure divine favor.
  • Ritual Success: Predicting the success of rituals and the likelihood of receiving positive omens.

Personal Matters

Individuals, particularly those of high status, sought guidance on personal issues through oracle bone divination. Common personal queries included:

  • Health and Illness: Predicting recovery from illnesses or determining the causes of health problems.
  • Marriage and Family: Questions about marriage prospects, compatibility, and the birth of children.
  • Travel Plans: Assessing the safety and success of planned journeys.


Oracle bones offer a fascinating glimpse into the spiritual and practical concerns of ancient China. They were used to predict a wide array of outcomes, from agricultural success and military victories to royal succession and personal well-being. This divination practice underscores the deep connection between the Shang rulers and their perceived divine guidance, shaping their decisions and, ultimately, the course of Chinese history.

The study of oracle bones not only enriches our understanding of the Shang Dynasty but also highlights the enduring human desire to seek control over an uncertain future. Through these ancient artifacts, we gain insight into the complex interplay of religion, politics, and daily life in one of the world’s earliest civilizations.

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